Uber Clone Taxi App Graphical Workflow
Check Our Fox-Taxi – Uber Clone App Step by Step
Graphical Workflow of User and Driver App
User App

Splash Screen
User Application will display a splash screen for a few seconds with the app logo and animation taxi slider
Driver application splash screen also displays for 2-3 seconds with the app logo and name
Driver App

Login & Registration
User / Driver
A user/driver can log in or register via Email ID or social accounts like Facebook or Google
If the user or driver forgot their password, he/she can retrieve it using Forgot Password option
The user/driver can signup into the app with Facebook, Gmail or basic details like first name, last name, gender, phone number, email, and password

Upload Documents & Vehicle Details
After successfully registration driver must be added to vehicle details with the information of service type, company name, model name, vehicle plate number, color, and handicap features option
Once the vehicle detail adds, the driver needs to upload required documents like driving license, vehicle insurance, user id and more
When driver upload the required documents and vehicle details their account goes for admin approval request

Home Page
Set Location
A user can set the pickup and destination address with drag pointer on the map or set it manually
If a user wants to handicap features in their ride journey, they have an option to enable and find the taxi which offers handicap accessibility
Online/Offline Status
Once the admin approve the driver accounts, they can manage the profile status as online/offline using a toggle button
When the driver profile is online, the fox-taxi system will be able to send nearest range ride request

App Menu
A user can access all features of the app using the app menu. A user profile and name will show top on the menu list
A driver can quick access app menu like manage documents, vehicle details, bank details, ride statics, and edit profile

Booking A Ride
A user can enter the pickup and destination address with pin location on the map or set it manually and confirm it
Once pickup and destination address set and confirm; the user has an option to select a service type from the available types in the system
The Fox-Taxi system display the base fare, ETA time, and distance of the ride as per pickup and destination address
Here user also selects the payment mode like cash, card, or wallet; and enter the promo code to getting discounts from ride fare. Now the user has an option to choose a book the ride now or schedule ride

Assign Driver
Find Driver
Once the user clicks on book ride, the system will search the nearest online driver with specific service type in the X range area of the system
New Request
All the online drivers in the x range area of the system will receive a ride request with a timer to accept.
The driver will see the pickup & destination address, payment method, and booking type of the ride

Driver Arrived
Ride Status
After X minute, once the driver reaches a user’s pickup location; he/she mark the status as Arrived
The driver will see the ETA and total distance between their current location to the user’s pickup location. A driver has an option to call the user
Get Notification
After the ride accepts by any driver, the user can see the assigned driver detail like name, ratings, and vehicle information
When a driver has Arrived at pickup location and mark as Arrived, the user gets a notification on the screen

Ride Started
Ride Status
Once the user arrived in the car, a driver will mark the ride status as Started
Get Notification
When a driver mark as the ride started, the user gets a notification on the screen

Ride Completed
Ride Status
After the ride started by the driver, they have an option to use Google Map navigation for route optimization
Once the taxi reached at the user’s destination address, a driver click on the ride completed button and mark the ride status as Completed
Get Notification
While the driver completed the ride, the user gets a ‘Ride Completed’ in-app notification on the screen

Invoice Details
User / Driver
Once the driver completed the ride, The user and driver both can see the invoice details of the ride
In the ride invoice details, they can see the pickup address, destination address, total traveled distance, base fare, total ride time, tax amount, discount details, and payment mode

Reviews and Ratings
User / Driver
After completing the ride, both user and driver can rate each others depending on their ride experience. They have also option to submit feedback to each other

Ride History
User / Driver
Users and drivers can see their past and upcoming ride history with details of date & time, pickup & destination location, ride fare, and vehicle type
On the click of the specific ride, they can see the complete ride details