
Doctor Appointment Booking App

A simple & efficient way to schedule doctor appointments with our doctor appointment booking solution. We offer an on-demand doctor booking app solution for Android and iOS platforms.
doctor Slider Vector
doctor Slider Mockup

Online Doctor Appointment Booking System

Online Doctor Appointment Booking System

In this digital era, it’s making our lives easier and better. All the industry changes in a better way with the changes in technology. Taking about the healthcare industry; the medicine delivery app offers the best services. Know the healthcare industry is looking for the appointment booking for all the doctor’s to save timing and efficiency.

For that, the doctor appointment booking app stands true to that test. With the doctor’s appointment booking app, patients can easily book their bookings with some click. Also, a doctor can manage their time and efficiency to appointments. Our AppoBook app is the best to book an appointment with a doctor and makes things easier for doctors & patients. AppoBook booking app is available for both Android & iOS platforms. For more information, you can directly contact and view the application live demo.

Make Appointment Simple with Our AppoBook App

Our doctor appointment booking app is easily customizable for your need in your business. Whether you need for hospital, clinic or individual for doctors; We believe have the capability to meet your expectations.
Doctor appointment booking startup

We help startups which are looking in health sectors. With our powerful doctor appointment booking app, you can easily gain more movement.

Doctor appointment booking clinic

Health clinic can expand its scoop in other health services without any hassle with our doctor appointment booking app.

Doctor appointment booking doctor

Keep track of your appointment and schedule an appointment with some few clicks and view patient details within the app.

Features of Our Doctor Appointment Booking App


A patient can register to an app through their basic information like full name, email, and contact details.


A patient can view all the upcoming and completed appointment list with all details.

View Doctor Details
View Doctor Details

A patient can view particular information of doctors like name, fees and book an appointment.

patient app appobook app features
Doctor List
Doctor List

A patient can view all the list of a doctor with information like name, professional, fees, etc.

Confirm Appointment
Confirm Appointment

A patient can confirm their appointment and view all details of their appointment.

Manage Profile
Manage Profile

A patient can manage their profile information like name, age, contact details, email and more.

Appointment List
Appointment List

A doctor can see all the arrangement list with date, time and patient name.

Manage Profile
Manage Profile

A doctor can manage their profile information like name, email, contact details, etc.


A doctor has a choice to change password and email. Additionally, they get a warning inside the application.

doctor app appobook app features
Manage Time
Manage Time

A doctor can manage their time to their appointment and clear their schedule.

Patient Details
Patient Details

A doctor can view patient details like name, year, contact details, appointment timing, and email.


A doctor can log in through genuine qualification by their email and password details.


AppoBook App – Super Admin Web Features

Check our super admin web panel features
of the Online Doctor Appointment Booking System
Doctor appointment booking admin panel
Manage Doctors
Manage Doctors

Admin can see all the doctor details with name, contact details, year of experience, etc. Also, admin can add, edit or delete doctor’s profile.

Payment and Billing
Payment and Billing

The admin can handle billing and payments, including invoice generation, payment tracking, and refunds if necessary.

Manage Appointment
Manage Appointment

Admin can see all the appointment and they have the option to add, edit or delete appointment details.

Calendar Booking
Calendar Booking

Admin can filter doctor appointment and book calendar with the iOS & Google calendar.

Manage Time-1
Manage Time

Admin can manage the overall time of the clinic or hospital with doctor’s timing & schedule.


The admin can create reports and analytics on appointment trends, user activity, and revenue.

Innovate Healthcare Services With Your Doctor Appointment App!
Doctor appointment booking call to action vector


MFine App

MFine provides users with access to virtual consultations with doctors from various specialties through its mobile app.

MFine App vector
Dr. On Demand App

Dr. On Demand is a telemedicine platform that allows users to have virtual medical visits with licensed healthcare professionals.

Doctor On Demand App vector
Practo App

Practo is a healthcare technology company based in India that provides a variety of digital health services.

Practo App vector


Tech-stack We Use to Develop Exceptional Solutions


Google Maps

Google Maps





















Android Studio

android studio


html 5


css 3

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the links and quickly get
to the answer you need!

Our app streamlines appointment scheduling reduces administrative tasks, and enhances patient engagement, leading to increased operational efficiency and improved patient care.

The app includes features such as real-time appointment scheduling, automated reminders, and patient check-in functionality to streamline your practice’s workflow.

We prioritize the security and privacy of patient data. The app adheres to strict data protection standards and complies with healthcare regulations to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of patient information.

Absolutely. The app is scalable and can accommodate multiple practitioners, allowing each to manage their schedules and appointments independently.

The app includes features for prescription verification and compliance checks, ensuring that all delivered medications meet the necessary regulatory requirements.

Yes, the app is designed to integrate seamlessly with various pharmacy management systems, facilitating a smooth and streamlined process for your pharmacy operations.

Yes, the app is highly customizable. We work closely with your practice to incorporate your branding elements and tailor the app to match your specific needs.

Yes, we offer comprehensive training for your staff to ensure they are proficient in using the app, maximizing its benefits for your practice.

Certainly. The app can be integrated with telemedicine functionality, allowing your practitioners to conduct virtual appointments and consultations with patients.

We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to address any issues, updates, or enhancements required for the app, ensuring it remains a reliable tool for your practice.

The app is developed in adherence to healthcare regulations and industry standards, helping your practice stay compliant and focused on delivering high-quality patient care.

Our pharmacy delivery service seamlessly integrates with your pharmacy system, allowing customers to order medications through the app for convenient doorstep delivery.

Yes, the app can be white-labelled to reflect your pharmacy’s brand, providing a consistent and personalized experience for your customers.

Our delivery system includes real-time tracking, secure packaging, and adherence to delivery timelines to ensure the safe and timely arrival of medications to customers.

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Building On-demand Solutions with Modern Technology Solutions.


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+91 79849 31943

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