
How to Succeed As an inDriver Driver: Essential Tips to Follow


How to Succeed As an inDriver Driver: Essential Tips to Follow

As the ride-hailing industry is thriving, inDriver has turned out to be an underdog player. The cab-booking platform was established in 2012 in Russia. In less than a decade, the app started gaining traction, all because of its unique business model. The app is known for providing fair fare negotiation opportunities to both drivers and riders.

The app works by allowing passengers to create a ride request with their own fares. When passengers create a ride request, it gets displayed to the rider in their inDriver app. Drivers are free to accept or ignore the request. If they think the fare is a little low, they can even pitch their own fare, which passengers will accept or reject on their will.

Riders and drivers negotiate fares like this until they come to a reasonable rate that both feel right. inDriver offers complete freedom and transparency over deciding fares. Unlike its competitors, inDriver doesn’t bind drivers in pre-decided fare agreements. Moreover, drivers are free to choose their service hours. There is no compulsion over the work hours the driver must serve.

inDriver might be the first app that thought about drivers and created a business model that treats them as equal to their riders. Their unique model has compelled many drivers to leave other traditional ride-hailing service platforms and switch to this more advanced app. However, registering as a driver in the inDriver app isn’t enough.

You must adopt strategies and leverage insights that ensure your success as a driver on the inDriver app. Fret not. We have your back. We have curated some essential and effective strategies to start and thrive as a driver on this platform. Here, you will find everything from the registering process to understanding how the platform works and a few tips to succeed and be safe on it. So without any delay, let’s get started.

How InDriver Works for Drivers

Drivers receive ride requests on their Ride Request dashboard. Depending on the location they are residing in, they will receive a list of requests displayed on the dashboard. This list keeps updating as new ride requests arrive and old ones get accepted by other drivers. If you don’t want to receive town-wide requests, you can narrow your reach to a particular route by enabling the En Route Request filter.

When you tap on one of the requests, you see request details like pickup point, dropping point, rider’s name, profile picture, ratings, and other things. You see a button to accept the request. If you want to negotiate with the fares, you can put forward a counteroffer and wait for the rider to respond.

Rider accepts or rejects your offer at their convenience and can also lead the negotiation further. After both parties agree on a fare, you reach the pickup point, drop the passenger at their destination, and collect payment directly from the rider. inDriver does not mediate in the payment process. However, it charges a little commission for each ride. It’s still lower than many ride-hailing giants.

The lower commission, flexible pricing, and freedom to choose your own working hours are major reasons drivers turn to inDriver to offer ride-hailing services. It’s easier to register as a driver on this platform. But if you want to really succeed, you must provide a seamless ride experience to your passengers.

Polite and well-behaved drivers get higher ratings and positive reviews from their passengers. Ratings play an essential part in ride-booking. Hence, your success as a driver on the inDriver majorly depends on the ratings you receive. If you’re looking for ways to boost your ratings, we have some crucial tips for you in the next section.


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How to Ensure High Ratings and Positive Reviews

Ratings matter a lot in inDriver. It is a deciding factor. Riders prefer checking out driver ratings before they hire a cab because higher ratings and positive reviews from former passengers indicate the driver is trustworthy. Similarly, lower ratings imply that the riders were offended by the driver’s behavior or actions. and thus, potential passengers are turned away. In this section, we’ve curated some tips that will help you ensure getting positive ratings and reviews from your passengers.

1. Be Polite and Treat Your Rider with Respect

This goes without saying that politeness will help you achieve higher ratings and positive feedback. Keep your behavior pleasant and respectful. Don’t argue with riders. If you have disagreements, respond politely and never throw personal comments that hurt their sentiments. If you think the customer’s not being polite with you, report their profile to inDriver and let them handle the case.

2. Reach the Pickup Point on Time

Riders find it frustrating when their cab driver makes them wait. Respect your rider’s time by arriving at the pickup point on time. Choose the best route possible to reach the location. Frequent late arrivals not only result in low ratings from the rider, but it can also penalize you.

3. Do Not Cancel Orders Frequently

Unlike other ride-hailing apps where you must accept orders within a specific time frame, and failing to do so might lower your ratings automatically, inDriver offers you the freedom to carry out rides at your convenience. So, make sure you double-check all the details before going for it. Chat with the customer and discuss your doubts, if needed because if you have a disagreement with anything after accepting the order and cancel your order, the passenger might give you negative ratings.

4. Never Ask for Extra Fare Beyond the Decided Rate

inDriver allows you to set your own rate and negotiate with your passengers within the app. So, you might have definitely agreed with the fare that was decided when you accepted the ride request. Asking for extra cash after rides makes you look greedy, and the customer feels cheated. Not only will they refuse to give you more money most of the time, but they will also give you lower ratings and bad reviews. They might report your account to inDriver, resulting in a penalty or termination.

5. Keep Your Vehicle in Good Condition

Make sure you regularly check your vehicle for smooth rides. It would be unfortunate if your car or bike would stop midway and make the customer late. Keep fuel tanks full beforehand and have minimal stops during the ride. Moreover, make sure your vehicle is clean. Riders would be hesitant to sit if the seats have dirt or other litter on them. Hence, double-check for the dirt and litter before picking up the passenger.

6. Always Adhere to Traffic Rules

Always follow all the traffic rules to ensure your passenger is safe. Drive within the right speed limit and never break signals, even if the rider says so. If they keep pushing you to speed up as they’re getting late to reach somewhere, politely deny their request. If they threaten you with lower ratings, don’t be afraid. Remember, you also have the option to rate customers.

7. Avoid Using Your Phone While Driving

While you’re on the roads, never use your phone other than navigating the route and completing the order on the inDrive app. It’s advisable to invest in a smartphone stand that could be fixed on the dashboard or windscreen. Your vision should be always focused on the roads rather than on your mobile. It doesn’t have to be explicitly said that you should never use your phone for calls, videos, or messages while driving.

8. Keep Your Profile Information Up-to-date

If you have changed your vehicle or have changes in your appearance, update your profile picture and vehicle details as early as possible. Your details and appearance should match with what is given in your profile so that riders can recognize you. Mismatched details make passengers distrust you and might cancel the ride and leave negative ratings.

9. Thoroughly Read Order Options and Comments

When you receive a request, make sure you don’t accept it without giving all the details a good read. Sometimes people are traveling with their toddlers or pets and need some extra facilities to have a smooth and safe ride. Accept only those requests you think you will be able to fulfill the specified requirement. If you have a pet allergy or don’t have a child seat, it’s better to avoid riders traveling with their pets or children.

10. Don’t Pick Up Other Passengers During a Ride

You might think of earning that extra cash by picking up offline passengers while already being on a ride. However, it not only might get you lower ratings, but it could also terminate your account if the user reports you. The inDriver app doesn’t allow picking up other passengers while you’re serving a ride request. It is against their safety policy.

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How to Deal with Difficult Passengers

As a cab driver, you encounter a diverse range of passengers in the app. While most of the passengers are polite and cooperative, some are difficult to deal with. It’s essential to know how to deal with such passengers and ensure your safety. Below, we have provided some tips for dealing with difficult riders.

1. Remain Calm and Composed

When you encounter a difficult rider, remain calm and composed while interacting with them. Don’t engage in arguments. It might trigger them to further argue. Take deep breaths and avoid conversations if they are triggering you. Arguing will make things even worse, and consequences might be hazardous.

2. Keep Communication Clear

Clear communication can help you resolve conflicts with difficult passengers. Carefully listen to their concerns and complaints and respond politely. Do not engage in any kind of argument. End the ride immediately if the passenger starts verbally abusing and giving threats. If needed, consider calling high authorities for your safety.

3. Set Boundaries

Establishing boundaries beforehand can prevent potential conflicts and disagreements with passengers. If you strictly prefer wearing seatbelts or prohibit smoking in the car, make sure your customer knows these rules beforehand. Despite communicating clearly, if they start behaving in a way you don’t like, politely remind them about your rules. However, refrain from indulging in any kind of argument with your passenger.

4. Be Ready for Drunk Passengers

Drunk passengers are common during weekend nights, and dealing with them can be challenging. If a passenger can’t provide clear direction or becomes unmanageable because of intoxication, prioritize their safety. Politely cancel the ride if they pose a risk to themselves or others. If needed, consider informing authorities for help.

5. Trust Your Instincts

Your safety should always be your topmost priority. If you feel uncomfortable or threatened by the passenger, trust your instincts and take immediate action. Pull over the cab at a safe location and politely ask the passenger to get off of it. If the passenger argues and denies leaving the vehicle, get out of the car and call the police. Make sure you take the keys with you when you get off.

Essential safety tips for drivers and passengers

inDriver takes the safety of their drivers and passengers seriously. Hence they aim to ensure that every choice they make with inDriver is safe and secure. We often prioritize passenger safety. But drivers too, should feel safe while carrying out rides. This section has some tips that can help you, the driver, make sure of your safety.

1. Take a Break When You’re Tired

Fatigue is a major red flag. Drivers often hit the roads for more than 16 hours a day. These long-hour shifts can cause exhaustion and fatigue. You are advised not to work for more than 10 hours straight. Stop accepting the rides and take a break whenever you feel tired. Taking a break in between rides is essential for the safety of you and your passengers.

2. Never Tolerate Discrimination

inDriver has a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination. So, passengers and drivers both are expected to never discriminate against anyone on the basis of color, region, race, nationality, gender, or any other characteristics. It’s essential you feel safe during your ride. If your passengers say something offensive that makes you feel discriminated against, report this behavior to inDriver. They will take appropriate action against the passenger.

3. Don’t Drink and Drive

Consuming intoxicating substances while driving not only makes your profile terminated if a passenger reports such behavior but is a legal offense and could land you behind bars. This isn’t only a legal offense but it also poses an extremely dangerous threat to your own and your passenger’s safety. 

4. Ensure the Safety of Child Passengers

Children who are under 18 should always be accompanied by parents or guardians when booking a ride with inDriver. Oftentimes, parents mention somewhere in their ride request that they are accompanied by toddlers. If you accept such a request, make sure you prepare child seats in advance.

5. Don’t Allow Pets If You Have Issues

If riders are traveling with pets, they would mention this somewhere in their request. So whether you’re allergic to pets or just don’t feel safe around them, you are free not to accept these rides. Passengers are expected to mention this in their request. If somehow they haven’t and you got to know this fact when you arrived at the pickup point, don’t hesitate to cancel the ride.

6. Check The Pickup Point and Destination

If you think traveling to certain pickup points or destinations isn’t safe, don’t accept requests from these areas. It’s always better to listen to your intuition and prioritize your safety. Even on your way, if a passenger asks you to drive through such areas for the shortcut you don’t feel like doing, politely deny the request and keep driving on your route.

7. Check the Rider’s Photo Before Starting the Ride

Ensure the rider is the same as they display in their profile picture. If you feel they are not the same person, you are allowed to cancel your ride. Riders can do the same thing if they don’t recognize you from your profile picture. So, make sure you keep your profile pictures updated with your recent looks.

8. Respect Personal Boundaries and Privacy

Both passenger and driver’s safety is paramount for inDriver. Since both parties can access each other’s contact details, it is your responsibility to respect the others personal boundaries and privacy. It’s against the driver’s safety rules to call or write to the passengers after the ride. It could get your profile terminated for indefinitely time or even permanently.

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inDriver has truly turned out to be an underdog player in the ride-hailing industry. Its flexible fare pricing, liberty to accept rides, and lower commission rate make it an ideal taxi booking platform for drivers. While joining the app as a ride-hailing service provider is easy, it takes some effort to thrive on this platform. If you want to succeed as a driver and earn more rides, make sure you get higher ratings.

We’ve provided some essential tips that will help you boost your ratings from riders. However, safety is paramount too. We’ve also provided tips on dealing with difficult passengers and ensuring your safety during the rides. Put these tips into practice and you’re sure to succeed on inDriver. 

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