Get a ready-to-use Gojek Clone App with 100+ on-demand services, including ride-hailing, food delivery, handyman services, and more. A white-label solution designed for startups and businesses to scale fast. Launch on Play Store & App Store in just 5 working days!
The Gojek Clone User App lets you access 100+ on-demand services easily and quickly.
A user can log in or signup via social accounts like Facebook, Google, or Email.
A user can call a taxi/bike driver, delivery person, or on-demand providers during the service processing if any query occurs regarding the services.
In the Gojek Clone App script, a user gets the idea of estimated fare of any transport services like a taxi ride, bike ride, and courier delivery.
Customers can book bike or taxi rides with a gender preferences, choosing Male, Female, or Both for safer, comfortable travel.
In the on-demand provider service, a user can view the list of nearest providers with details of their pricing package and manually select one of them.
The user can find the nearest store using the filter attribute like offers, ratings, price, and more.
In the delivery sections, the user can add the product items to cart and after they can modify & remove from the cart.
The customer can apply a tip for the driver at the end of the trip as per their experience of the transport services. In the delivery & provider services, the customer can also send a tip to drivers & providers.
A user can invite their friends through social accounts and get exciting rewards from their new service booking.
A customer can save their favorite & most usable five addresses as home, work, and other locations and use it for delivery & handyman services booking time with a single tap.
In all the services like transport, delivery, and handyman; customers can send a review and rating to the driver, store, & providers at the end of the services.
Customers can search the store, items/products together with a single search.
A user can manage the profile details like first name, last name, profile picture, change password, and more.
A customer can view all past push/broadcasting notifications sent by the admin anytime, easily, and conveniently.
After the end of the ride, the customer has the option to mark the driver as a favorite. When the same user book any new ride priority to send the request to the set favorite driver. (The option for bike/taxi service)
A user can view their chat history between drivers and providers. A user can be sent a text message to providers within the app.
A user has the option to cancel the ride or delivery order anytime after the order or services are successfully booked.
Users can view wallet transaction history with time, date, and amount details.
A customer can set any restaurant/store in their favorite list. Using the feature they can quickly book an order from thier favorite store/restaurant.
Give admin the facilities to define and model exact fare rates, pricing strategies or even discounts and promotions to get optimum revenue.
A user gets an in-app notification when the order of the service book, providers arrived at your location, if any booking order cancels or more scenario.
If customers want to collect their food/product order directly from the store location instead of the delivery person they can select take away.
A user can add/edit the credit/debit card details and use it to pay the service amount within the app.
In an emergency, a customer can easily call to the added contact person, within the app through a single tap.
Customers can view order history as category wise like transport services, delivery services, and on-demand services; they have also option advance filter for running, upcoming, and past order records.
A user can use a promo code in every on-demand services and get an extra discount on their service amount.
Customers can transfer wallet amounts to their friends/family who used the same applications. Customers can find the other person through name, email, and contact number.
The customer & Driver can chat with the support team/admin. Customer/driver/provider/store has the option for a chat on the app menu.
In any critical situation, customers can chat with the admin support team through the app.
A user also has an option to choose a cab which offers additional services like a child seat.
In the taxi booking services, a user has an option to choose a driver which offers handicap acceptability in their taxi.
A customer can access the advanced search feature on the home screen; Through the search options, they easily search for app services, restaurants, and or grocery stores with a single click.
After completing the transport services, a user gets ride invoice with ride details like total distance traveled, ride time, base fare and payment type.
If the user forgot their account password, they can recover it using the phone number or SMS and set a new password.
Get a sneak peek of our all-in-one Gojek Clone App through interactive mockups. Explore the sleek design, user-friendly interface, and seamless functionality that make on-demand services more accessible than ever.
Get your custom on-demand app up and running in just 5 days. Let's bring your business idea to life with our ready-to-launch clone solutions.
Get Started NowDiscover powerful features designed to help drivers manage rides, deliveries, and earnings effortlessly. From real-time navigation to automated task management, our Gojek Clone Driver App ensures smooth, efficient operations.
Once successfully signup, a driver need to select vehicle like bike, car, or truck with the services they want to offers.
The Fox-Jek driver app also offers social sites login features for quick login & signup.
Once you accept any new ride order request, you can change the status of the ride/order request like arrived at pickup/store, started, completed, etc.
Once admin approved the account, you will get a new ride/order request from nearest users.
A driver can also add/modify their bank details and get earning revenue from the admin.
A driver gets an invoice after the completed bike/taxi ride request with the details of total distance, base fare, tax, and other ride fare details.
After accepting the orders, a driver can chat/call to a customer/store owner with a single tap click.
Drivers get transport and delivery service requests as per their account preferences; they receive new order requests with complete details of pickup and drop location, payment options, and services name.
A driver can view the earning reports with the total number of completed and canceled ride/order request in Home page.
A driver has an option to manage their profile details like name, email, contact number, and more.
The customer & Driver can chat with the support team/admin. Customer/driver/provider/store has the option for a chat on the app menu.
A driver has an option to cancel the ride/order request after they find any fake information.
If drivers changed thier vehicle, they have also the option to manage thier vehicle details from the app.
Driver app has a wallet with top-up features, and also they can transfer the wallet amount to their friends/family who use the same app script.
A driver can quickly login into the app just with a contact number; no need to remember a password.
After the vehicle selection, they must upload required documents like vehicle insurance, driving license and more. After the submission of all the details account goes for approval request.
Explore the intuitive interface of our Gojek Clone Driver App with interactive mockups. From accepting ride requests to tracking earnings, see how drivers can manage their tasks with ease.
Discover key features that help stores manage orders, track deliveries, and optimize operations effortlessly. Our Gojek Clone Store App empowers businesses to serve customers efficiently with just a few taps.
A store owner can manage their card information, adding/removing credit or debit cards. They can use the cards to top-up the wallet balance.
Store vendors can set the minimum order amount for any order request.
You can view the all completed and canceled order details with the invoice details of the order.
The store app has also a wallet with top-up features, and they can also transfer the wallet amount to others who use the same apps.
A store vendor can set store profile status as Online/Offline. They get a new order request when a store status is Online.
You can view all the new, accepted, processing orders list from home page with details of coustomer name, delivery address, order amount, etc.
Once order accepts, you can change the status of the order like, move accepted order in processing, and processing orders in dispatched status.
Store owners can login into the app with just a contact number and manage thier products & orders.
Store vendors can set the delivery radius area from their store address to any specific X range.
Store vendors can add and modify the store offers with the details of minimum order amount, offer value in amount or percentage.
A Store owner can manage their profile information such as name, contact number, email address, and profile picture.
If a customer add any special instruction at the time of ordering, restaurants or stores can see the instructions and prepare an order based on that
Take a closer look at our Gojek Clone Store App through interactive mockups. Experience how stores can easily manage orders, track deliveries, and provide seamless service to their customers.
Launch your own multi-service platform with our ready-to-use Gojek Clone App. Expand your services and grow your business quickly and efficiently.
Launch NowExplore powerful features designed to help service providers manage bookings, track tasks, and deliver exceptional services. Our Gojek Clone Provider App ensures smooth and efficient service management.
Enable service providers to manage their profile information, such as first name, last name, contact details, and much more, in a single tap.
A provider set the services radius area in X km range, where they offer their services.
A Provider can view the lists of all new order requests from the home screen with the details of service category, order id, user name, and more.
After accepting the services request, A provider can chat/call to a customer with a single tap click.
Allow service providers to manage/add or modify service packages with pricing and minimum quantity details and more
If a provider can’t find the user address, they can use the map navigation within the app.
Service providers can remove the service they no longer offer to users within the app.
After accepting the service, a provider can update the order status and needs to do the same after completion of the services.
Enable delivery providers to change their profile password in case they forget the current password
Allow service provider to set their home location from the profile settings and let them accept the service requests within the area limit they have set.
A provider can view the new order full details, and they have the option to accept or reject it.
Customers, delivery providers, stores, or any stakeholder can chat with the admin in case they seek any assistance.
Through the wallet, the provider can transfer the wallet amount to others who use the same app script.
A provider can set a per-order minimum amount for order request from customers.
Our Gojek Provider App Panel simplifies task management. Providers can easily accept requests, track earnings, and stay updated – all through a user-friendly interface.
Our Gojek Clone Web Admin Panel provides all the tools you need to manage your on-demand business. From real-time tracking to financial reports, everything is accessible from a single dashboard, ensuring smooth operations and control.
Admin can manage vehicles for all services like Bike, Taxi, and courier services. Admin can set price per km, per minute, base fare, min fare, and more charges of vehicles.
If you do not want to provide the services in a specific region of the city, you can draw a geo-fence on the map and restrict the app services. Customers can’t book/place orders within the geo-fence area.
Admin has the option to manage business setting options like logo, SMS and payment Gateway keys, Referral Code discount setting, Social account link for the website, brand logo & favicon for web panels, and more.
Admin can manage the service based on a city like; Car service for City A, B, and C; Bike Service for City B, C, and E; Food Delivery service for City A, C, D, etc. They can manage all services city-wise as per their requirements.
Let admin get insightful reports from the heat map and know from which region or area more services/orders or rides are booked within a dashboard.
Admin can set X% commission for all services like 10% for food delivery, 15% for grocery delivery, 20% for bike & taxi, etc.
Admin has the option to manage profile details, bank details, vehicle details, and business details of the store, driver, and providers. Admin can also show the review/ratings, trips/orders of the providers/drivers.
Admin can edit customer’s basic details like name, contact, profile photo, and gender data. Admin can also manage customer wallet balance and check wallet transactions. They also have the option to remove customer accounts.
If the admin wants to set a different commission for each restaurant/store, he also has the option to change store-wise commission.
Admin can set required documents in all services for driver, store, and provider that need to upload at the time of signup.
All services dashboard has the option to service setting for managing details of Tax & Commission percentage, search radius, cancellation charge, etc.
Admin can manage all support pages like about us, contact us, FAQ, privacy policy, and terms & conditions based on their business.
On the web admin, there is an option to see complete order/ride booking with details of the total fare, pickup & destination/delivery address, name of customer and provider, payment type details, and more.
Admin can show each service’s earning reports with details of total user pay, payment type – cash/card/wallet, total discount, and how much need to collect/pay to driver/store/providers; he can also settle the outstanding amount from there.
For the data analyst, if the admin needs all records of customers, drivers, providers, orders, and others, he can export the listed record in a CSV file.
Admin has also the option to set store and provider accounts as featured so, the customer views the featured accounts on the landing screen of the app.
For advertising purposes, the admin can set sliders/banners for the app landing page, delivery & providers services home screen.
When the admin wants to add several products to the store, he can add the products through an Excel file from the web panel.
Admin can place the delivery service order from the web admin. If the customer does not exist in the script, the first new signup occurs after the order is booked for the customer.
Harnessing the capabilities of ML, the admin here can set the stores/ providers or products as “sponsor/ recommended” in exchange for some amount.
If a store has their delivery person for delivery service, they can add their drivers as private. A store has also the option to set order delivery through the private driver, public driver, or both.
Super admin can create sub-admin based on the city, like sub-admin1 for City A, and sub-admin2 for City B. The sub-admin can show all customers, drivers, providers, and rides based on their city.
Admin can change the content of the email notifications for customers, drivers, stores, and providers.
Admin can show all bike/taxi driver’s live locations on the map with driver services status like ride start, reached pickup, way to pick up, and available.
Admin can show all order details, and they have the option to cancel/complete any orders at any stage.
For the driver’s new ride/order request, the admin has the option to set methods like: i Competitive Algorithm: when a new ride/order request is a book, all nearest Xkm range drivers get a notification at the same time. ii Nearest First: In that case, when a ride/order is a book first nearest driver only gets the request; if the first driver rejects/timeout the request second nearest driver gets the request, and so on.
The script supports a multi-currency module; the admin can set currency ratio with a set default currency amount.
Admin can increase the ride fare in specific time duration like ride fare increase 1.5 times in night-time. Admin has the option to set a time slot per day with a surge price. (e.g. fare amount 1.5X from 10:00 pm to 11:59 pm on Monday)
Admin can add/modify third-party coupon code details like category, name, brand name, amount, no. of coupon code generate, website link, validity days, terms & conditions, how to redeem the code, etc.
Admin has also managed the customer app landing screen like featured services, in-spot accounts, advertising banners, and features store of delivery services.
Admin can manage customer, driver, and provider wallet as add/deduct money from the wallet and check all wallet transactions.
Start offering ride-hailing, deliveries, and more with our customizable Gojek Clone App. Empower your business and reach customers faster.
Start Your JourneyOur Gojek Clone Add-Ons offer powerful features to expand your app’s functionality. From advanced analytics to customized payment gateways, you can tailor the app to meet your specific business needs and enhance user experience.
After entering the pickup & destination location, if toll includes the way, the customer gets notification of the toll amount. After the end of the ride, the toll amount is auto-added. (The option for bike/taxi services)
Google Map API can replace with your local MAP API. The selected Map must work in your region and provide required all Map APIs which we required. Few options of other Map – TomTom,, MapBox.
Delivery can get more delivery service orders before delivering the current delivery order. They can pick up & deliver multiple orders at a different locations. (The option for all delivery services – food, grocery, medicine, etc).
The customer can allow rides to other customer who want to go same locations, after the rideshare the ride fare is divided into multiple customer. In short, multiple customer can hire the same vehicle for their destination.
Customer/Provider can purchase the subscription plan and use the app services. Admin can add multi subscription plans like monthly, yearly with pricing.
VOIP calls via third-party services like Twilio or Sinch protect customer/provider contact details. Numbers remain hidden, ensuring privacy for all services.
Tech-stack We Use to Develop Exceptional Solutions
Google Maps
Android Studio
Digital Ocean
100 MS
We are proud to be recognized by top industry platforms such as Trustpilot, Google, Clutch, and GoodFirms. With excellent ratings and reviews, our commitment to delivering high-quality, clone app development solutions is trusted by businesses and users worldwide.
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Check out our other innovative products we have developed and find the perfect solution for your unique business needs.
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Versatile delivery solution for transporting packages, groceries, and essentials with ease.
Stay updated with the latest trends, insights, and tips in the on-demand app industry. Explore our newest blogs to gain valuable knowledge and ideas to grow your business!